

Wolf's Coming! by Joe Kulka

Published by CarolRhoda ©2007

STARRED REVIEW "Suspense builds from the very first page of this new twist on the not-such-a-big-bad-wolf theme." --School Library Journal

Wolf's Coming! has won the 2009-2010 South Carolina PIcture Book Award.

Wolf's Coming! has won the 2008 Wanda Gag Award for Best Book to Read Aloud to Children.

Wolf's Coming! has been chosen by School Library Journal as one the best books of 2007.

Wolf's Coming! has been awarded a 2007 Bronze Medal Moonbeam Children's Book Awards.

Wolf's Coming! has won the 2007 Society of School Librarians International (SSLI) Honor Book award.

Wolf's Coming! was nominated for 5 other state picture book awards and was selected by James Patterson's as a Great Illustrated Storybook.

Vacation's Over! Return of the Dinosaurs by Joe Kulka

Published by CarolRhoda ©2010

The worst part of vacation is coming home. There's laundry to do, mail to pick up, and photos to develop. It's such a hassle. So when the dinosaurs return from their vacation (they're not really extinct, you see), just imagine what they have to go through! Much has changed in the millions of years since they left on a spaceship cruise.

Can Earth handle their return?

The Rope by Joe Kulka

Published by Pelican Publishing ©2008

The Rope has won a 2011 Storytelling World Award.

One day a humble farming family finds that a mysterious rope is dangling from the sky, swaying over their cornfield.
There is a small sign attached to the rope which says "Pull for more".
Should they test the rope and find out what happens when you ask for more?

"Combining classic fable elements with just the right combination of the bizarre takes some doing. The Rope manages to mix the two together well by adding in some visual spins that are certainly out of the ordinary. A creative new take, this is a great look at older story elements."

-Elizabeth Bird, A Fuse #8 Production

These are the books written and illustrated by Joe Kulka.

Joe has illustrated many more books for children written by other authors.

Please visit the illustration galleries to see some illustrations from those books.

